Florida Kid Not Allowed To Walk At Graduation After Drawing a Big Ol' Dick On The Football Field

NBC – A massive rendering of the male anatomy etched onto the football field at a Florida school nearly derailed a graduation ceremony. Nature Coast Technical High School officials say they were setting up for the ceremony on Wednesday when they realized an obscene prank had been pulled, the Tampa Bay Times reported. It turns out a senior had used a weed killer to spray out the shape of a penis, spanning the length of the field. “I’m going to have over 2,000 people sitting in our stands, and we take great pride in our Nature Coast graduation,” Principal Toni-Ann Noyes told the paper. “I was very disappointed that someone would do this and not think of the other students and the families that would have to look at this.” The student was caught and wasn’t allowed to walk with his graduating class. His family will be on the hook for damages. The school used green spray paint and painted a large 2014 to try to cover up the rendering.


I don’t necessarily even hate the prank here. A giant dick on the football field is kinda funny. Thinking about grandma and grandpa coming to graduation and then having a big ol’ cock in their eyeballs is good for a chuckle. The pathetic part here though is that it was ONE kid. That’s absolutely pathetic. That’s not how you senior prank. It’s supposed to be a bunch of people doing something together, not one idiot doing something by himself. No wonder the kid got caught, nobody had his back. The students were probably like “yea, it was Steve” and moved on with their day. Steve was probably like come on guys, come on! and everyone was like shut up Steve, nobody cares. Doing a senior prank by yourself is maybe the saddest thing you can ever do. Kinda feel bad for Steve, cause again, a big cock on the football field isn’t not funny, it’s just sad that he was alone in doing it. The rest of the seniors probably did some other prank and didn’t include him. Poor Steve. Poor, poor, Steve.

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